THE CROSSOne of the results of sin is to cut us
off from God.
The trouble with many Christians is that
they go on thinking they can bridge this by their own efforts. They think
that they can win favour with god by being kind, sincere, and honest, and
by going to church.
The cross tells you that God accepts you
as you are, because, and only because of what Jesus has done, and not for
anything you can ever do.
The cross tells you that if you trust in Jesus Christ, God will forgive you all your sins. So great was His love for you, that He sent Jesus Christ to save you from the punishment your sin deserves. Jesus did this by taking the full punishment
Himself. That is why He cried from the cross, 'My God, my God, why have
you forsaken me ?'
Th trouble with many Christians is that they think they can earn forgiveness by their own efforts. But this is impossible. The Bible says that all our good works are like filthy rags compared to the absolute perfection of God. But there is one way of forgiveness. The cross tells you that the enormous debt of your sin has been fully paid by jesus Christ once and for all. Nothing you could ever do could repay this debt. When you accept Jesus into your heart and
life you receive God's forgiveness. Every sin you have ever done is blotted