3. Growing As A ChristianBIBLE READINGWhy read the Bible ?THE BIBLE IS FOODIf a baby is to grow properly it must have the right food. If you are to grow strong in the Christian life you also need the right kind of food. God in His love and wisdom has given us this food in the Bible. Your knowledge of Him will grow as you find out more about Him.Your friendship with Jesus Christ will deepen as you spend time listening when He speaks to you. Your faith in Him will grow stronger as
you discover more of His power and love.
THE BIBLE IS LIGHTTo drive a car at night without headlights would be asking for trouble.To try and live the Christian life without reading and knowing and obeying the Bible is equally foolish and dangerous. Without the Bible we would know very little, if anything abaout God or Jesus Christ. We would have no idea where we came from, why we are here, or where we are going. The Bible sheds light on every kind of problem. It speaks with authority on the future, on death, on eternal life, on heaven, to name just a few things. It tells you how you should live your daily
life, and what God expects of you.
THE BIBLE IS A MIRRORYou cannot hide things from a mirroe. It shows what you are like. If you have a dirty mark on your face the mirror will show it and you can then do something about it.The Bible will show you what you are really
like. It will expose any sin or pride, selfishness or greed.
THE BIBLE IS A WEAPONThe Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4.12). The Bible is the weapon God has given us to defeat the Devil.Jesus Himself used it when attacked. You too need to get to know it and learn how to use it. With it you will defeat all the Devil's cunning attacks, all his temptations for you to doubt Christ or take it easy in the Christian life. With it you will conquer all your fears, all false teaching, all superstitions, all the wrong ideas about Jesus Christ which are so common today. |