Discovering Jesus through the Gospels
Study 1
The Birth of Jesus Foretold
The Birth of Jesus Christ
The Shepherds and the Angels
The Visit of the Magi
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A. The Birth of Jesus Foretold
Read the passage Luke's Gospel Chapter 1 verses 26 - 38
Check Answers1. Who visited Mary ? (Luke 1:26)
2. Who was going to marry Mary ? (Luke 1:27)
3. What did the angel tell Mary ? (Luke 1:31)
4. What did the angel say he would be called ? (Luke 1:32)
5. What did the angel say he would become ? (Luke 1:32 - 33)
6. What puzzled Mary ? (Luke 1:34)
7. How did the angel explain things ? (Luke 1:35)
8. What would the child be called ? (Luke 1:35)
9. Surely all this was impossible ? (Luke 1:37)
10. What did Mary think of all this ? (Luke 1:38)
Further reading (Optional)
Read the story of the birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:1 - 25, 1:39 - 80)
B. The Birth of Jesus Christ
Read the passage Matthew's Gospel Chapter 1 verses 18 - 25
Check Answers1. What caused Joseph to be upset ? (Matthew 1:18)
2. What had Joseph decided to do ? (Matthew 1:19)
3. What caused him to change his mind ? (Matthew 1:20)
4. Why was the child to be named Jesus ? (Matthew 1:21)
5. What is a prophet ? (Matthew 1:22 - 23)
6. Did Joseph obey the angel ? (Matthew 1:24)
C. The Shepherds and the Angels
Read the passage Luke's Gospel Chapter 2: 1 - 20
Check Answers
1. Why did Joseph and Mary have to travel ? (Luke 1:1 - 3)#
2. Where did they travel to ? (Luke 1: 4)
3. What happened when they were there ? (Luke 1:6 - 7)
4. Why did they not stay in the inn ? (Luke 1:7)
5. Why were the shepherds afraid ? (Luke 1: 8 - 10)
6. What were they told ? (Luke 1: 10 - 12)
7. What else happened ? (Luke 1: 13 - 15a)#
8. What did the shepherds decide to do ? (Luke 1: 15b)
9. What did they find ? (Luke 1: 16 - 20)
10. What did the shepherds do ? (Luke 1: 17, 18, 20)
D. The Visit of the Magi
Read the passage Matthew's gospel Chapter 2:1 - 23
Check Answers1. What had the men from the east seen ? (Matthew 2: 1 - 2)
2. What did they expect to see in Jerusalem ? (Matthew 2: 2)
3. Where did the chief priests and teachers of the law say that the Christ would be born ?
(Matthew 2: 3 - 6)#
4. Why did they say this ? (Matthew 2: 5 - 6)
5. What did the men find when the star stopped ? (Matthew 2: 9 - 11)
6. What did they do ? (Matthew 2: 11 - 12)
7.What was Joseph told to do in a dream ? (Matthew 2: 13 - 18)
8. What was the result of two further dreams Joseph had ? (Matthew 2: 19 - 23)
Further reading (Optional)
Read the stories of Jesus at the temple (Luke 2: 21 - 52)
After completing the above study you will see how the nativity story was foretold by the prophets and the "key players" were prepared for the part they were to play by God.
Mary was visited by an angel, Joseph had a dream in which God spoke to him.
Shepherds were visited by a host of angels and wise men from the east learned of the birth through the stars.The message given to each of these groups of people was that this was no ordinary birth, but the birth of a King, a Saviour. Gifts were brought to this child which would not have been brought to any "ordinary" child.
God continued his protection of this child by a dream the wise men had and also one Joseph had telling him to escape to Eygpt.
The passages relating events which took place when he visited the temple further show that he was a special child.
1. (An Angel called Gabriel)2. (Joseph)
3. (She would give birth to a son, who would be named Jesus)
4. (Son of the Most High)
5. (He would become a King, who would rule/reign for ever over the house of Jacob)
6. (How she could have a child when she was a virgin)
7. (She would become pregnant through the Holy Spirit)
8. (the Son of God)
9. (Nothing is impossible for God)
10. (She agreed to what the angel had said ???)
1. (Mary was going to have a baby and it was not his)2. (He planned to divorce Mary quietly)
3. (An Angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and explained that the child was from the Holy Spirit)
4. (He would save the people from their sins)
5. (A man of God who foretells, through a message given him by God that certain events will take place in the future, when they occur, the prophesy is said to be fulfilled)
6. (Yes)
1. (Because of the census)2. (Bethlehem)
3. (She gave birth to a son)
4. (The inn was full)
5. (An Angel appeared to them)
6. (They were told that a Saviour had been born in Bethlehem, and he would be found in a manager)
7. (A company of angels appeared singing)
8. (Go to Bethlehem to see if what they had been told was true)
9. (They found Joseph and Mary and the baby lying in a manager)
10. (Told everyone what they had been told about the child, praised God)
1. (A star)2. (A King)
3. (Bethlehem)
4. (The prophet (Micah 5:2) prophesied this)
5. (They found Jesus)
6. (They bowed down and worshipped, they presented their gifts)
7. (He was told to escape to Eygpt)
8. (The family returned to Israel and lived in Nazareth)