Discovering Jesus through the Gospels

Study 2


John the Baptist Prepares the Way

The Baptism of Jesus

The Calling of the First Disciples

The Man with Leprosy

Jesus Heals a Paralytic

The Calling of Levi



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A. John the Baptist Prepares the Way, The Baptism of Jesus

Read the passage Matthew's Gospel Chapter 3 verses 1 - 17

check answers

1. What was John doing in the desert ?
     (Matthew 1: 1, 6)


2. What does the word repent mean ?
     (Matthew 1: 2)


3. What do you think John meant by "the kingdom of heaven is near" ?
    (Matthew 1: 2)


4. Who do you think John was preparing the way for ?
    (Matthew 1: 3)


5. What is "confessing their sins"  ?
    (Matthew 1: 6  also Mark 1: 4 - 5)


6. Do you have to be good to be baptised ?
    Do you think you have to be good to accept Jesus's offer of eternal life ?
    (Matthew 1: 7 - 10)
    Note: The Pharisees and Sadducees were the religious leaders and were thought by the
    ordinary people to be hypocrites and often corrupt.


7. Who would baptise with the Holy Spirit ?
     (Matthew 3: 11)


8. Why did John not want  to baptise Jesus ?
     (Matthew 3: 14)


9. What did the dove and the voice signify ?
     (Matthew 3: 16 - 17) (John 1: 29 - 34)


B. The Calling of the First Disciples, The Man with Leprosy, Jesus Heals a Paralytic, The Calling of Levi

Read the passage Luke's Gospel Chapter 5 verses 1 - 32

In Chapter 4 of Luke's Gospel, Jesus is recorded as having driven out an evil spirit out of a man
and healing Mary's mother-in-law amongst many.

check answers

1. Why was Simon reluctant to go fishing ?
    (Luke 5: 5)


2. What was it that changed his mind ?
    (Luke 5: 5)


3. What was the result ?
    (Luke 5: 6 - 7)


4. What was Simon going to catch ?
    (Luke 5: 10 - 11)


5. What did the words the man called out begging indicate ?
    (Luke 5: 12)


6. What was the result of Jesus saying "Be Clean!" ?
    (Luke 5: 13)


7. What was the man told to do ?
    (Luke 5: 14)


8. What was unusual about the way the paralytic man was brought by his friends to Jesus ?
    (Luke 5: 19)


9. What did Jesus see ?
    (Luke 5: 20)


10. Why were the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law shocked ?
      (Luke 5: 21)


11. How did Jesus explain why he had said what he had said ?
      (Luke 5: 23 - 24)


12. How did Jesus heal the man ?
      (Luke 5: 24 - 25)


13. What job did Levi, often called Matthew have ?
      (Luke 5: 27)


14. Why did he decide to make a career move ?
       (Luke 5: 27 - 28)


15. What were the Pharisees complaining about ?
       (Luke 5: 30)


16. What was Jesus's response ?
      (Luke 5: 31 - 32)

Further Reading (Optional)

To learn more of Jesus' teaching read Luke's Gospel Chapter 6



Jesus showed in his early ministry that he was someone the like of which the country had not seen before.

Mention of his name, then as now caused division some, chiefly the religious leaders, hated him because he showed up their lack of knowledge of what God really wanted and what was written in scripture.

The ordinary people flocked to him for hime to heal their illnesses and for him to perform many miracles and also to listen to him teach them.

What sort of opinion are you gaining of Jesus as you read the Bible's account of his life and teaching.
in the next study we will look more closely at the miracles and teaching of Jesus.




1. (Preaching and Baptising)

2. (To turn away from your sins)

3. (That the Messiah, the one who was expected was coming soon)

4. (Jesus)

5. (Openly acknowledging your sins and saying you are sorry for them)

6. (No and No)

7. (Jesus)

8. (John knew he was a sinner and that Jesus was the Son of God  ??)

9. (Jesus was God's Son)


1. (They had been unsuccessfully fishing all night)

2. (Because Jesus asked him to go fishing)

3. (They caught a large number of fish)

4. (Men)

5. (Faith)

6. (The man was healed/cleaned of his illness)

7. (Go and show himself to the priests and offer sacrifices)

8. (He was lowered through the roof)

9. (The friend's faith)

10. (Because Jesus had said "Your sins are forgiven.")

11. (He said that he had the authority of God to forgive sins, see also verse 21  ??)

12. (Jesus spoke and the man was healed)

13. (He was a tax collector, he would have worked for the Inland Revenue or I.R.S. if he lived
today )

14. (Jesus said "Follow me")

15. (They thought that Jesus and his disciples should not eat with people considered sinners)

16. (To say that he had come for sinners)