Christ in youIf you have said this prayer and meant it. What you have said is a fact. You have asked Jesus Christ to come into your life and he has come. He now lives in your heart by his Holy Spirit.Don't rely on your feelings; you may not feel any different at the moment. Trust his sure promises. 'If any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him....' (Revelation 3:20) 'He who believes has eternal life.' (John 6:47) 'I am with you always, to the close of the age.' (Matthew 28:20) You are now a member of God's kingdom,
a child of God's family, part of his Body the Church - all who trust in
Jesus, whatever their colour, background, or intellect.
The way aheadYou have begun the journey into life. You are now at the start of a new life. You have in Jesus Christ an all-powerful, ever-present Friend and Captain, but in Satan a cunning and strong enemy. So you need to grow strong as a Christian, You need food, air and exercise.FoodThe Bible is the Christian's food. It is a living book and through it God will speak to you. Read it every day.AirPrayer is the Christian's air. Talk to Jesus Christ naturally as to a close friend, yet respectfully remembering who he is. Spend time alone with him daily.ExerciseWorshipJoin a local church at once. Never miss being with Christians in church on Sunday.WitnessTell one other person within the next 24 hours what you have done, that you have surrendered your life to Christ. Don't be ashamed to be known as a Christian at work and at home.<< Back | Return to main contents page >> These pages are based on the gospel tract booklet "Journey into Life" by N.L. Warren copyright 1964, 1976, 1980 and first published in Gt Britain 1964, Revised edition 1980 by Falcon Books - Kingway Publications Ltd. These pages have been created to enable those who do not have access to the printed booklet to know of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you can obtain copies of the printed booklet do so and share the Good News with your friends, acquaintances and all you come into contact with. |